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Posted on June 20, 2018 By Rabbi Dr. Azriel Rosenfeld | Series: | Level:

71. Neighbors – Shechenim

One partner can compel another to divide the partnership, or if this is impractical, to buy him out or sell out to him. When dividing, a partner who owns neighboring property can choose a share adjacent to his property. If a person sells property or a share in a partnership his neighbors or partners can compel the buyer to sell it back to them; but this does not apply to rental or gift or exchange.a

Partners and neighbors can compel one another to share in necessary costs and can prevent one another from creating nuisances. One who lives in a city for a year or owns a home there must share in the upkeep of the city.b


a. 1:1-2; 2:9; 12:1,4-5,8; 13:1,4
b. 5:lff; 6:1,5