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Celebrate the Hidden Miracles

What happened on Purim?

During the period of time between the destruction of the First Temple and the building of the Second Temple, the Jews came very close to being anihilated because of the evil scheming of Haman with the King of Persia, Achashverosh.

Because of the clandestine intervention of Hashem, using Queen Esther and her uncle Mordechai as His messengers, the Jews were spared, and instead the nation of Israel was able to avenge themselves against their enemies.

How do you celebrate Purim?

In order to commemorate these miraculous turn of events, we celebrate Purim on the 14th of Adar (and in walled cities such as Jerusalem, on the 15th of Adar) with feasts, sending gifts of food to our friends and the needy, and with the reading of the Megilla, the story of Purim.

The Fast of Esther is held on the day before Purim. We fast the whole day in order to commemorate the fast that Esther fasted before she went before the King Achashverosh to plead for mercy for the Jews. On this day we remember the dire situation that the Jews were faced with in those days and many times throughout history.

Delivering Gifts to Friends and the Needy

Learn About the Holiday

The Greatest Miracle

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A great miracle happened on Purim, but it enhanced an even greater miracle, perhaps the greatest miracle ever; one that we experience even today, and one we pray will continue. 

The Purim Story

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This is the story of Purim, as well as the story of the Jewish people. Condensed in 12 brief articles Rabbi Prero provides the narrative and enlightening commentary.  

Purim Perspectives

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A wide variety of perspectives into the depth and meaning of this joyous holiday.