
Posted on September 17, 2018 (5779) By | Series: | Level:

Question: If I attempt to apologize and explain to another person my sincere belief that I was wrong, and they do not wish to listen, or by inaction do not allow me to voice my feelings, have they wronged me in any way and/or at fault in any way? In the context of the situation, what I am, in effect, attempting to do, is convince this person of their wrongdoing (if one is present) and bring to their attention their mistreatment of me. Thank you

Answer: Let me quote from Maimonides in his Laws of Repentance, ch. 2, para. 9-10:

“If someone wronged another he must make good the wrong and seek forgiveness .. and to appease and meet with (the wronged party) until he forgives him. If he refuses to forgive, bring a group of three of his friends and, together, request that he forgives. If he (still) won’t forgive, leave him and go (on with your life) and the one who won’t forgive is (now) the sinner.”

“It is forbidden for a man to be stubborn and refuse to be appeased, rather, he should be easily swayed (by another’s entreaties), and when someone requests from him his forgiveness, he should forgive eagerly with a full heart…”

In Jewish law, Maimonides (also known as Rambam) is absolutely authoritative especially in these matters. I think this should clarify the issue.

With my best regards,
Rabbi Boruch Clinton

Thank you so much for your help, the explanation you provided helped me to clear up this matter easily.