
Posted on October 1, 2003 By Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Series: | Level:

One thing we can say about physical things with absolute certainty is that they’re bound and restricted to space, time, certain natural phenomena, etc. But that’s simply not true of spiritual things — unless they’re connected to physical things. And that’s why the soul is bound and restricted while it’s here on earth, when it never would be bound like that in its own realm.

In any event the limitations of the physical can’t be denied, and the soul must bear with them (the way we all have to bear with our own limitations).

But G-d has seen to it that there be ways for us to transcend our physical limitations to some degree, to soar above and beyond all physical restrictions even while in the world, and to glimpse into and grasp the spiritual in ways that would normally be denied us.

In fact, it’s that ability that enables us to elevate the world both down here and up in the transcendent forces. We’ll begin to explore how that connects with theurgy next time.

This series is dedicated to the memory of Yitzchak Hehrsh ben Daniel, and Sarah Rivka bas Yaakov Dovid.

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