
Posted on July 22, 2019 By Rabbi Daniel Travis | Series: | Level:

“The offspring of Your servant David may You speedily cause to flourish, and enhance his pride through Your salvation, for we hope for Your salvation all day long. Blessed are You, Hashem, Who causes the pride of salvation to flourish.”

The fifteenth blessing of Shemoneh Esrei asks for the coming of the Moshiach. After asking Hashem to rebuild Jerusalem, we ask for the completion of the final redemption with the crowning of David’s descendent as Moshiach and king of Israel.

Our Sages tell us that, upon leaving this world, we will be asked six questions. One of them will be, “Did you yearn for redemption?” (Shabbos 31a). According to the Arizal, when we recite the fifteenth blessing, we should allow ourselves to experience yearning for redemption in order that we may reply affirmatively when asked this question (Shaar Hakavnos). The Zohar notes that someone who does not yearn for the final redemption in this world, will not have a place in the World to Come (Introduction to Bereishis 4a).

On a personal level, every person faces challenges every single day, be they major or minor. While saying this blessing, we should keep in mind that one of the reasons that Hashem is sending us these trials is so that we will ask Him to help us, in fulfillment of the blessing that “We hope for Your salvation all day long” (Kaf HaChaim 119,8 citing Chida).

Text Copyright © 2010 by Rabbi Daniel Travis and