
Posted on October 24, 2007 By Rabbi Daniel Travis | Series: | Level:

“From my flesh I see G-d” (Job). Contemplating the innumerable complex and miraculous functions that the human body faithfully performs every second of the day elevates us to a state of awe and wonder. Our Sages gave us the opportunity to express this feeling on a constant basis while reciting the blessing of “asher yatzar” after visiting the restroom.

Ideally, asher yaztar should be recited as soon as one washes his hands after leaving the restroom. However, if it was delayed, the blessing can still be recited. If one has waited so long that he already needs to return to the restroom, he may not say asher yatzar until he leaves (Mishna Berura 7,1).

Often, asher yatzer is recited at a time when one is rushing to get back to business. During these instances, we should try to keep in mind that while conversing with Hashem we should not be involved with any other activity (Makor Chaim 4,1). Even Torah learning is forbidden while reciting a blessing (Mishna Berura 191,5).

Text Copyright © 2007 by Rabbi Daniel Travis and