
Posted on November 29, 2017 By Rabbi Daniel Travis | Series: | Level:

Hashem’s abundant and eternal love was conveyed to the Jewish people in a grand manner when He gave us His Torah. We, in turn, express our reciprocal love for the Torah in the various passages of the blessing of Ahava Rabba. We pray that we will share in the learning of scholars, that we will have deep Torah insight and that our children will follow in its ways.

As part of this bracha we say the words, “l’kayeim es kol divrei talmud Torasecha,” to uphold all the words of Your Torah. Our Sages tell us that kiyum – support – of Torah refers to financial support of Torah scholars. Anyone who contributes to support Torah scholars will receive reward in the next world as a partner in their Torah study.

What should our intentions be when we ask Hashem, “v’ha’eir eineinu b’Torasecha,” – to illuminate our eyes with Your Torah? Some say that this request is for insight into the Zohar and the other mystical parts of the Torah (Responsa Ruach Chaim as cited by Kaf HaChaim 60,3). Others explain that the prayer asks that one’s children should be involved with Torah learning (Ateres Zahav 47).

“V’lo neivosh l’olam va’ed” – we should never, ever be ashamed. When saying these words we should think about our children and grandchildren. If we instill within them Torah values while they are young, then they will be a source of pride to us in this world and the next, and we will never be ashamed of them (Kaf HaChaim, ibid.).

Text Copyright © 2008 by Rabbi Daniel Travis and