
Posted on June 9, 2020 By Rabbi Daniel Travis | Series: | Level:

After asking Hashem to protect us from impure speech, we continue with a number of petitions. Although we ask for many things in this prayer, two are especially noteworthy. First, we address those who curse us. Instead of throwing it back at them, we ask that those that want to curse us should be quieted.

Afterwards, we address those who think evil against us. Instead of wishing bad upon our enemies, we ask Hashem that He should quickly overturn their plans and disrupt their thoughts. These strategies protect us from our enemies without causing them any harm, and teach us the Torah approach in dealing with those who seek to harm us.

Although we generally do not make personal requests on Shabbos, we make an exception by reciting this passage at the end of Shemoneh Esrei. Since Elokai Natzur is recited the same way every day, it is not covered by the prohibition against making personal requests on Shabbos (Pri Chadash 122,1).

Text Copyright © 2010 by Rabbi Daniel Travis and