
Posted on December 11, 2013 By Rabbi Daniel Travis | Series: | Level:

It had been a difficult flight, but he was finally there. Avraham had never set foot in Israel before and was excited about his first trip, a fulfillment of his most ardent desire. He had always dreamed about praying at the Kosel HaMa’aravi, so that would be his first stop. He left the terminal and hailed a cab, instructing the driver to take him directly to the Wall.

Once at the Kosel he found a minyan and joined them for Shacharis. But shortly into Shemoneh Esrei, pandemonium broke out. Arabs stormed the Kosel and violence ensued. Avraham was worried, but continued praying despite what was transpiring around him.

Though havoc was raging around him, Avraham kept going. He had waited for the opportunity to pray at the Kosel for years, and he was not going to let anything stop him. Love overpowered his rationale, and he continued to recite Shemoneh Esrei.

Suddenly Avraham felt his whole body being thrust forward. Afraid that he was being attacked from behind, he looked around, only to realize that he was not in Yerushalayim, but in New York. What had happened?

During the berachah of U’vneh Yerushalayim Avraham’s imagination had temporarily taken over his prayers, and he started dreaming about his trip to Israel and Yerushalayim. One thing led to another until he was completely transported by his thoughts of the Kosel. It was while bowing down during the berachah of Modim that he came back to reality.

We all share in Avraham’s plight, and no one has an easy time concentrating for the duration of Shemoneh Esrei every day. Chazal suggested a number of advance activities to help enhance our concentration during tefillah. Let us try and implement them into our schedules, so that we will not find ourselves traveling with our prayers.

Text Copyright &copy 2013 by Rabbi Daniel Travis and