Note: The Shabbos Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go up] since for each Aliya, one person “goes up” to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.
In the beginning G-d created separate and different creations. Each of these separate and different creations has its own assigned purpose in being created, and it is the universal responsibility of all creations to protect each others divinely ordained right to accomplish their individualized missions. If a creation hinders or interferes with another creation’s purpose for being created, the interfering creation is opposing the established order of the Creator and His purpose in creating that specific creation.
The Creator provides all the necessary qualities and tools for each separate and different creation to exist and attain its reason for being created. Individual talents, rights, and ownership are the tools for accomplishing the Creator’s purpose in creating separate and different creations. The need to protect these individual rights and qualities is as evident in the proper functioning of the complex ecosystem of our world as it is in the proper functioning of any human society. We must therefore conserve the natural resources of our world and cherish the right of all people to have what is theirs and be who they can be.
This mandate of “Intentionally Created Speciation” is a universal truth as stated throughout Parshas Breishis. It began with the six days during which Hashem created all things as separate and different, and concluded with the creation of man, woman, and Shabbos as the most different and the most glorious of all creation. It is our responsibility to embrace the reality of “Speciation” and acknowledge through our actions the Creator and His purpose for creation.
1st Aliya: The creation of the universe is detailed day by day concluding with the creation of Shabbos. Note the emphasis on Speciation throughout the six day account.
2nd and 3rd Aliya: The creation of Adam and Chava and the story of Gan Eden is detailed.
4th Aliya: Adam and Chava are expelled from Gan Eden and the story of Kayin and Hevel is related.
5th, 6th, and 7th Aliyot: Chronologically, the time covered in Parshas Breishis is from year 1 (the creation of humankind) through the birth of Noach’s three sons in 1556. The final three Aliyot list the 10 generations from Adam through Noach that lived during that time, as well as the degeneration of man’s relationship with Hashem. It is important to note that Noach’s generation was the first generation not to have personally known Adam.