
Posted on March 8, 2007 By Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Series: | Level:

Drawing to a close of this remarkable work, Ramchal now touches upon a couple of other extraordinary things that will come about at the Great Redemption.

Whereas while all the righteous Jewish leaders who’d preceded the advent of the Messianic era and had “rise(n) up to shepherd the Jewish Nation in the absence of the Moshichim” will certainly shine “like the stars forever” (Daniel 12:3), because the Schechina had been “engarbed within” them, other things will begin to unfold. The Schechina will begin to “break through and emerge with a great deal of strength” in the course of the Great Redemption, and will “surround the (two) Moshichim and encompass them” as well as sit “within them”, and “the Jewish Nation will openly delight in Her gleam”.

Moses will reappear to accompany the two Moshichim and to bask in that same light “and even more”; and “the earth will be full of the knowledge of G-d” (Isaiah 11:9) at last.

The Shechina will then unite with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob’s mystical traits of Kindness, Judgment, and Mercy, and thus “merge … with the Patriarchs” themselves on some recondite level. And as a result, a great and comprehensive “emanation of light” will come about, and “the Shechina will be very strong. She’ll exhibit a lot of glory, and (there’ll be) great joy (in the world then,) the likes of which had never yet been experienced”.

Ramchal then concludes The Great Redemption by saying, “I have thus explained the whole matter of the redemption to you outright, according to the order of emendations that will come about to complete the success of the Jewish Nation, as well as the emendation of the entire world (which will come about) through the emendation of the Divine Luminaries”.

And he ends with the short prayer, “May it be G-d’s will that this come about speedily and in our days”, which he concludes with a resounding “Amen!” that we can’t help but echo.

We’ll wind up our study of this work next time with some review and offer some insights from the prophets.

Text Copyright © 2007 by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman and