February 7, 2025 | 9 Sh'vat, 5785 | Torah Portion: Beshalach, Exodus 13:17-17:16 | Haftorah: Judges 4:4-5:31
Torah Portion
This Week: Beshalach
A Little Light Diffuses Much Darkness
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Constant Miracles
And Moshe stretched out his hand over the sea, and HASHEM led the sea with the strong east wind all night, and He made the sea into dry land and ...read more

Seeing the Big Picture
Volume 39, No. 16
9 Shevat 5785
February 8, 2025
Sponsored by Irving and Arline Katz on the yahrzeit of grandmother Henya Rachel bat ...read more

Dem Bones
Moshe took Yosef’s bones with him, for he had firmly adjured the Bnei Yisrael, saying, “You shall bring up my bones from here with ...read more

The Mitzva of Matza and the Mon: Beshalach 5785
Matza in Mitzraim and for Forty Years
The Problem
In the Hagada of Pesach, Rabban Gamliel says the reason for the matza is that the dough ...read more

At What Cost?
WHY ARE YOU praying to Me? What kind of question was that? The Jewish people were helplessly trapped between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea ...read more

The Zechus of Suffering on Behalf of Others
These divrei Torah were adapted from the hashkafa portion of Rabbi Yissocher Frand's Commuter Chavrusah Tapes on the weekly portion: #1323 ...read more

The Great Mirror in the Sky
In this week's parsha of B'sahlach, the Bnei Yisroel (children of Israel) safely passed through the Yam Suf (Sea of Reeds), after which, it came ...read more

Leaving to Prey
"Pharaoh will say concerning Bnei Yisroel....." (14:3)
After having traveled three days away from Mitzrayim, Hashem instructed Moshe to lead ...read more

Lechem Mishneh, Two Loaves of Challah
The Story
“Mommy, can I please help set the Shabbos table?”
Mrs. Goldberg cast a worried look across the room at her husband. Chani was ...read more

A Seamless Integration On A Higher Plane
A good Rabbi tries to have a repertoire of inspiring Torah thoughts to draw upon at a moment's notice. One never knows when one may be called ...read more
Other Articles

Chapter 6, Mishna 6: The 48 Ways: 22(c) Are the Sages Infallible? Part III
Torah is greater than priesthood and kingship, for kingship is acquired with 30 qualities, priesthood is acquired with 24, whereas the Torah is ...read more

Chapter 2, Law 2(b) – From Extreme to Extreme
How are such people [who are spiritually "sick"] healed? A person who for example has a bad temper should act as follows: If he is struck or ...read more

Chapter 6, Mishna 6: The 48 Ways: 22(b) Are the Sages Infallible? Part II
Torah is greater than priesthood and kingship, for kingship is acquired with 30 qualities, priesthood is acquired with 24, whereas the Torah is ...read more

Chapter 2, Law 2(a) – Curing the Disease
How are such people (who are spiritually "sick") healed? A person who for example has a bad temper should act as follows: If he is struck or ...read more

Chapter 2, Law 1 – Are We Really Happy?
Those who have physical illnesses taste bitter things as sweet and sweet as bitter. There are likewise ill individuals who hunger for inedible ...read more

Chapter 6, Mishna 6: The 48 Ways: 20-21: Patience with Others
Torah is greater than priesthood and kingship, for kingship is acquired with 30 qualities, priesthood is acquired with 24, whereas the Torah is ...read more

Chapter 1, Law 7 – Jewish Psychology
And how does a person accustom himself in these qualities (i.e., the middle path of each character trait) until he acquires them? He should act ...read more

Chapter 6, Mishna 6: The 48 Ways: 14-19: Moderation
Torah is greater than priesthood and kingship, for kingship is acquired with 30 qualities, priesthood is acquired with 24, whereas the Torah is ...read more

Chapter 1, Law 6(b) – Do We Really Want G-d? Part II
Law 5 (end -- see two weeks ago for entire text)
Nevertheless, we are commanded to follow the middle path in life. This is the best and most ...read more

Chapter 6, Mishna 6: The 48 Ways: 12-13: Patience
Torah is greater than priesthood and kingship, for kingship is acquired with 30 qualities, priesthood is acquired with 24, whereas the Torah is ...read more