
By Rabbi Raymond Beyda | Series: | Level:

One who reads the Psalms regularly or one who prays daily recites the last Tehillim, Chapter 150 hundreds of times in a year. David Hamelekh says “Kol Haneshama Te-Hallel Yah” –i.e. “Every soul will praise the Lord”. Our sages make a play on words. Neshamah, soul, is similar to nesheema, breath. One should praise G-d, they say, for every breath that one takes.

There is a practical application for this conceptual teaching. A deep breath can do wonders to relieve tension. When one is tense or nervous one should pause and take a few long, slow, deep breaths. A slow exhale as one thinks “Patience–patience” and one can actually feel the tightness loosen and the blood pressure descend. The phenomena works even for one who does not live with trust in Hashem. However, one who realizes that every breath of life is generously and lovingly provided by our Father in Heaven will gain more and more one will realize that it doesn’t pay to get sick over the temporary trials and tribulations that make up our lives. Once you consider this concept every breath will soothe the soul.


One of the reasons the father of a child at a brit milah [circumcision] says the beracha [blessing] after the milah is completed, rather than before the misvah is done [with all other commandments-first we say the blessing and then we do the misvah] is because the blessing not only encompasses the performance of one of G-d’s commandments but is said to also thank G-d for the merit of being able to perform this happy deed.[based on Abudarham}

Text Copyright &copy 2003 Rabbi Raymond Beyda and Project Genesis, Inc.