
By Rabbi Raymond Beyda | Series: | Level:

Hillel taught that we should emulate Aharon Hacohen. “Loving peace and pursuing peace, loving people and bringing them closer to the Torah”

Aharon viewed all people as potentially good. He did not “write off” someone just because his or her spiritual status on any given day was not at all commendable. He certainly did not compare others to himself or to his illustrious brother Moshe or his sister Miriam. Everyone, he honestly felt, was worthy of his special attention and love. He loved “people” not for who they were but for what they could one day become.

In Mishle–Proverbs– King Solomon teaches that people react to others like the reflection of a face in a pool of water–a smile draws a smile and a frown yields a frown. Aharon knew that true caring and concern brought a reaction of love in return. He treated and greeted others with kindness and a smile.

Today, when you are confronted by someone who is not as good as they could be — smile. Say or do something nice to them. Then watch them react positively to your pleasant advances.

It could change someone’s life for eternity.

Text Copyright &copy 2003 Rabbi Raymond Beyda and Project Genesis, Inc.