
By Rabbi Raymond Beyda | Series: | Level:

It’s funny how time flies when you are having a good time is a fact. Yes, it may be a shopworn, trite saying but experience shows that it is true. Once, when pressed for time, I had to run an errand at the bookstore. Fortunately, I did find a parking space right across the street without having to circle the block several times. As I passed the car dealership, which is, located opposite the bookstore I noticed a car salesman pacing back and forth, eyeing his wristwatch as he paced to and fro. After I picked up the article I needed, I rushed back to the car and again saw the same salesman however, this time he was pacing in front of the dealership like a lion in a cage. He just couldn’t wait for the time to pass so that he could leave work and do whatever it is he does with his free time. Upon arriving at the Yeshivah I sat to study a difficult piece of Talmud in hopes of clarifying a point of Halakha [Jewish law]. I had only an hour and a half before I had to leave for my next commitment. It seemed like only minutes when I realized it was time to go. How I wished the time had not passed so quickly. How I wanted the clock to stop for a little while so that I could learn a little bit longer.

How you look at the gift of time depends on how you use it. If one wants to accomplish — to build them self spiritually or even to build a this- worldly entity, one finds that the asset of time has no price tag. He or she involves them self in the project and it always seems there is always more to do than there is time to do it in. One who doesn’t understand the value of time can’t wait for it to pass.

Today when the clock seems to be frozen stop to evaluate how you are spending your time. If it seems to be moving too slowly you are probably wasting it on an endeavor of limited value. Switch to something more valuable and watch the time fly.


If one is not sure if the proper blessing on a fruit is “Boreh peri ha-es” or “Boreh peri ha adamah” one should say “boreh peri HA ADAMAH”. It does not make a difference whether the doubt is one of halakha or the nature of the fruit — one should say HA ADAMAH. If, however, one said “Shehakol” already — no additional blessing should be said since it is considered that he or she has fulfilled the obligation “b’diabad” — after the fact. [Source: Yehave Daat, volume 6, responsa 13]


There was a man named Nechunyah the digger of wells. He used to dig wells and dedicate them for public use by those who were traveling to Yerushalayim for the Holy Days. One time word went out that Nechuyah’s daughter fell into a deep pit. The people went to the holy Rebbi Hanina ben Dosa. He told them after one hour: “She is fine”. He repeated his comforting words after two hours. In the third hour he said: “She is already out of danger.” They found out that his words were true and the girl was safe. They asked:” How did you know? Are you a prophet?” “I am not a prophet nor am I the son of a prophet. I knew that a thing with which a pious man did good could not become harmful to his offspring.”

Text Copyright &copy 2004 Rabbi Raymond Beyda and