
Posted on September 13, 2002 By Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Series: | Level:

Those of us in search of spiritual excellence now know a great and overarching truism. That truly “No one can compare to You”, G-d (Psalms 40:6), and that indeed, “G-d who is our L-rd, is One G-d” (Deuteronomy 6:4). For we now know all that that implies.

Thanks to what we’ve learned we’ve come to understand that G-d is the one and only Creator of this complex and multifarious universe; that He alone is truly, simply, and absolutely one; and that His Being is utterly removed from our experience (after all, He has no attributes and can’t really be described).

We’re thus privy to insights few people have, and are privileged to have had our doubts swept away in a great wind-storm of clarity.

Taking the truth of all this to heart can turn us around and enable us to be the people we’re capable of being. After all– we know.

Questions now pop up, though. Isn’t G-d described in many ways in the Torah? And isn’t He depicted as doing or feeling this or that? Doesn’t that contradict all we’ve learned?

We’ll begin to touch upon all that the next time.

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