
Posted on June 7, 2002 (5758) By Rabbi Dovid Green | Series: | Level:

Special thanks to Mrs. Miriam Green for her contribution of this week’s dvartorah.

Being Jewish.

It’s about commitment.

It’s also about action.

Picture a gentleman at a fund-raiser dinner.

He stands up before the crowd and loudly announces that he will donate $1,000,000 to the cause.

The assembled guests can practically SEE the faces of the needy who will now gain such tremendous assistance.

They applaud, but…

After the lights are out and the crowd goes home, the man does NOTHING.

Not a penny was forthcoming. Not an orphan saved from hunger.


In Parshas Pinchas we learn of the swift action of Pinchas ben Elazar in the face of the degradation of his nation perpetrated by the Midianite nation. (Numbers 26:14)

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. (Charles Dickens)

They were so close to gaining access to the Holy Land, yet…

They were faced with a tremendous test, and they were about to lose!

The honor of Heaven was at stake.

They were the world ambassadors for Monotheism.

Inaction at that point would have meant diluting and confusing their message.

In one fell swoop Pinchas pulled it all together.

He didn’t stand before the crowd pontificating on the great deeds he would do.

He acted.

He acted because one cannot stand by quietly when a house is on fire.

Words have a tendency to be cheap.

It is the best of times. It is the worst of times.

Our nation is free all over the world to study and to teach. To understand and live the words of our Torah.

We are also free to disappear.

Let’s all make a pledge of the most precious of human assets…time.

We’ll take something we’ve learned and put it into action, for fifteen minutes.

Write a charity check being sure to address the envelope and put on the stamp.

Talk to your Creator.

Learn some of the weekly Torah portion and enjoy doing it.

When the spiritual house of Jacob, the structure of our nation, is at stake,

. . . if we only shmooze, we lose!

Good Shabbos.

Rabbi Dovid Green and Project Genesis, Inc.

We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of this week’s Dvar Torah by Rabbi Label Lam, of FOUNDATIONS for Jewish Learning Monsey, N.Y. 10952 Phone: 914-352-0111 or 800-700-9577. Fax-914-352-0305.
Foundations will be conducting a fascinating introduction to Judaism seminar from Sept. 20-22 On Rosh HaShana in the New York area for people at all levels. Those interested should please contact them at the above toll-free number.