Posted on June 27, 2007 (5767) By Rabbi Chaim Flom | Series: Short Vorts | Level: Beginner
“Tell the Cohens I can’t make it for dinner tonight because I have an important meeting, so we’ll go out on Thursday. Then call Mrs. Smith, and tell her that I am too busy this Thursday to do my weekly volunteer work with her autistic son.”
“And he (Bilaam) saddled his donkey (on his way to cursing the Jews)” (Bimidbar 22:21). Rashi points out that in order to do an evil act, Bilaam was willing to saddle his own donkey, which was really beneath his dignity.
Use your mundane acts (or sins) as a yardstick to see if you really can’t do that mitzva!!
Have a great Shabbos !!
Rabbi Chaim Flom