
Posted on June 13, 2007 (5767) By Rabbi Chaim Flom | Series: | Level:

1) “My husband died when I was 83 and I didn’t want to wither away.” My great-aunt, who started volunteering in nurseries and old age homes.

2) “I heard on the radio about unwanted newborn babies, literally, thrown away.” Debbie Farsi, who became an activist in saving them, and gave burials to those who died.

3) “When I realized that the little I knew about Judaism was only because of my zeidy(grandfather), I said ‘Who will be my children’s zeidy?’ ” Moshe Yess, who as an adult became very educated and actively observant.

4) “I was so jealous that I wasn’t made the prince of the Kohat (Priestly) family.” Korach, who as an elder person and until then righteous, led a rebellion against Moshe. (He and his 250 followers were miraculously killed.) See Bimidbar 16:1-35 with Rashi on 16:1 and Medrash Tanchuma.

Before you make a big move, (and small ones too) make sure it’s good!!

Have a great Shabbos !!

Rabbi Chaim Flom