Posted on November 6, 2007 (5768) By Rabbi Chaim Flom | Series: Short Vorts | Level: Beginner
“Wow !! That was so-o-o-o inspiring !!”
“I thought it was refreshing. I slept through the whole thing.”
“And Eisav said ‘I am going to die–why do I need this birthright?!'” (Biraishis 25:32) The Chofetz Chaim explains that the birthright was of great spiritual value. It was our ticket to getting the Torah. For many people, death causes great spiritual introspection, for others it causes great spiritual rejection. (The way we live our lives will have an affect which group we are in.)
For parents, teachers, Rabbis, speakers, internet/email writers, and anyone with interpersonal relationships: Different people react differently to the same messages !!
Have a great Shabbos !!
Rabbi Chaim Flom