
By Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz | Series: | Level:

The Torah instructs us to work for six days and rest on the seventh day – Shabbos.

In this week’s parsha, we are informed of two additional seven-year cycles. Six years we tend our fields, and we rest on the seventh – Shmitah. And after seven Shmitah cycles, we observe the Yovel year – another year of rest.

The Kli Yakar offers several possible reasons for the mitzvah of Shmitah. He mentions that a number of meforshim explain that Shmitah allows the earth much needed rest and the opportunity to replenish its nutrients. According to this line of reasoning, the Torah is mandating that all farmers follow the sound practice of allowing ones fields in Eretz Yisroel to remain perpetually productive.

The Kli Yakar notes, however, that this explanation for Shmitah seems to have an overriding flaw. The Torah informs us in Parshas Bechukosai (Vayikrah 26:34) that the punishment for not observing Shmitah is galus (exile from Eretz Yisroel). How does that represent middah k’neged middah – the punishment matching the misdeed? If the purpose of Shmitah is for the fields to rest, Hashem should punish the B’nei Yisroel with exceedingly poor harvests as an outcome of not observing Shmitah. Why would exile be a logical outcome?

Additionally, he asks, Shmitah is referred to as a “Shabbos l’ashem” (Vayikrah 25:2), a Shabbos [designated for] Hashem. If the purpose is merely an opportunity for the land to rest, it should be presented as a Shabbos for the earth?


The Kli Yakar shares with us a second possible theme for Shmitah – as a public statement that Hashem created the world – congruent with the weekly cycle of Shabbos. This approach would maintain that Shmitah serves as a reminder of the message of Shabbos.

Again, the Kli Yakar feels that this explanation is lacking. If the weekly reminder of shabbos were not effective, how would once-in-seven-years Shmitah be any more helpful?


The Kli Yakar therefore offers his understanding of the mitzvah of shmita – to ingrain in Klal Yisroel a meaningful and sincere faith in Hashem.

He explains that it was the practice of farmers to plant their fields for two years and allow parts to remain fallow for the third year. Upon entering Eretz Yisroel, we were instructed to plant our fields six years in a row, and Hashem assured us that the last of the six years would be as productive as the first. More surprisingly – and contrary to the laws of nature – was the guarantee that the land, in the sixth and most depleted year, would deliver enough food three years!

As the Bnei Yisroel entered the holy land of Eretz Yisroel, we were given the mitzvah of Shmitah to remind us that we are mere custodians of Hashem’s earth. By living spiritual lives, we give meaning to creation and are worthy of His blessings.

In the event that we stray from our mission, c’has v’shalom, and begin to forget the lessons of Shmitah, we relinquish our right to dwell in Eretz Yisroel – and the result is an inevitable and tragic galus (exile). Each week, the Shabbos reminds us of Hashem’s role in the creation of the world – and the necessity of living our lives according to His Torah.

Once every seven years, we are reminded of a similar concept. We work hard for six years. We take pride in our accomplishments and watch our fields thrive and blossom. At that point, we need to step back, thank Hashem, and publicly demonstrate that it was His Hashgacha (Divine Providence) that afforded us our success.


I would like to suggest that the timing of the Shmitah cycle – every seventh year – reflects this philosophy. Living in a house or working in a field for three years running denotes a chazakah, a form of ownership that has significant halachic implications. Perhaps the Torah is teaching us a powerful lesson in emunah, faith in Hashem, by instructing us to relinquish control of our fields every seventh year.

Once we ended our forty-year sojourn in the desert, we were each rewarded with a portion in Eretz Yisroel – the land of our dreams and aspirations. Hashem instructed us to till the soil and reap the harvests. We were encouraged to feel a sense of ownership – to enjoy a three-year chazakah. And then another three-year cycle. However, before we started a ‘chazakah squared’ – a chazakah of chazakos – the third cycle of three years, the Torah instructs us to step back and be reminded of our role as stewards of Hashem’s earth – and guardians of His sacred trust.

Best wishes for a Gutten Shabbos

Text Copyright © 2007 by Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz and

Rabbi Horowitz is the founder and dean of Yeshiva Darchei Noam in Monsey, NY, as well as the founder and Program Director of Agudath Israel’s Project Y.E.S. (Youth Enrichment Services), which helps at-risk teens and their parents. He is a popular lecturer on teaching and parenting topics in communities around the world, and is the author of several best-selling parenting tape and CD sets. For more information on Rabbi Horowitz’s parenting tapes, visit or call 845-352-7100 X 133.