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Posted on April 6, 2016 By Guest Contributor | Series: | Level:

Fill a 9×13 pan with an assortment of vegetables. some excellent suggestions:
Red or green peppers – red ones turn out deliciously sweet
Zucchini or yellow squash
Tiny red potatoes
Sweet potatoes
Fresh or frozen broccoli florets
Fresh basil

Slice vegetables thickly, except for sweet potatoes, which should be thinly sliced; tiny potatoes are left whole; onions are peeled and quartered.

Pour 1/4-1/3 cup good quality olive oil into pan of vegetables and mix very well. Onion powder and garlic powder may be added, to taste.

Bake on high-450-500 for 1 hour.

This dish is elegant, colorful, and delicious- worthy of your pesach table!