Reb Yeruchem
By Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
From the Targumim Series – Subscribe to the Series
Rav Yerucham Halevi Levovitz (1873-1936) was known simply as “The Mashgiach,” for the profound influence he had on hundreds of students during the 37 years he held that position in the Mir. He had an outsize influence upon many of the greats who supervised the rebuilding of Torah after the Holocaust.
His personality was most greatly shaped by two giants of interwar Europe: Rav Simcha Zisel Ziv, and the Alter of Slabodka. Both stressed the complexity of the forces within the inner man, and paying careful attention to the words of Chazal to extract their essential messages, rather than treat them as springboards for derush.
R Yerucham’s shmuessen, which he delivered four times a week, were not fire-and-brimstone harangues, but analytic and deep shiurim on the meaning of Torah verses and maamarei Chazal. He very often focuses on nothing “more” than the real intent of Rashi. The effect, however, was even stronger than the fire-and-brimstone variety. His words almost always pack a punch, and are not for the weak of heart.
The selections are taken almost exclusively from the six volume set on the parshah.
As in years past, the intent of this series is not so much to educate as to get readers hooked and addicted to the author’s thought so that they will pursue it on their own.
- Noach Switzerland Is Not An Option
- Lech Lecha Avraham the Rock
- Vayera Appearances
- Chayei Sarah Perfect Truth
- Toldos Real Spiritual Men Take Risks
- Vayeitzei Not Your Ordinary Domestic Spat
- Vayishlach Alone Needn’t Mean Lonely
- Vayeishev Finishing Things Off
- Miketz Pitying the Spiritual Have-Nots
- Vayigash Evening Up The Score
- Vayechi Torah Boot Camp
- Shemos Too Much Information
- Vaera How Miracles Happen
- Bo Have a Heart
- Beshalach Illegitimate Prayer?
- Yisro Splitting the Torah Atom
- Mishpatim Empathy Is Not Enough
- Terumah Hiddenness Is Not Only Divine
- Tetzaveh Layers of Meaning
- Ki Sisa Kicking the Tires
- Vayakhel-Pekudei Yes I Can!
- Vayikra Wait Until You Are Called
- Tzav Way Above Suspicion
- Shemini Taking the Rap
- Tazria-Metzorah Tumah Leaves Tracks
- Tazria-Metzorah If Talk is Cheep
- Acharei Mos-Kedoshim Why They Hate Us
- Acharei Mos-Kedoshim Where Waze Won’t Look For Gehinom
- Emor You Are Important – Like It Or Not
- Behar-Bechukosai You’re Not Going Home
- Behar-Bechukosai Constantly Upwards
- Bamidbar The Royal Guard
- Naso Job Skills
- Behaaloscha Inventing Pretexts
- Shlach How To Guarantee Failure In Fighting The Yetzer Hora
- Korach Machlokes L’Shem Shomayim
- Chukas-Balak Why We Don’t Understand Parah Adumah
- Chukas-Balak Make Your Imagination Vivid
- Pinchas Fearlessness Saved the Jewish People
- Matos-Masei Look Inside For Real Torah
- Devarim Haste Makes Chaos
- Vaeschanan How To Sell Chukim
- Eikev Stubbornness Kills
- Reeh Truth In Thinking
- Shoftim Foreign Influences
- Ki Seitzei Taking Stock
- Ki Savo It’s Not Just The Thought That Counts
- Netzavim-Vayeilech Vigilance
- Haazinu It’s All About Him