Gal Einai
Gal Einai is a parsha-based analysis of a statement of Rashi or Ma’amar Chazal, with an emphasis on understanding how the Pasuk itself leads Chazal to their understanding. The indivisability of the Written Law and the Oral Law, and how the latter is to be derived from the former, is a favorite theme. The teachings of Rav Yochanan Zweig are influential and he is often cited. The style favors brevity and clarity of expression.
Gedalia Litke is an attorney in private practice with a large New York City firm. He specializes in real estate finance and development and has lectured and published in his field.
Mr. Litke is involved in a wide array of Jewish community activities. He is a founder of Kayama
Mr. Litke attended Columbia Law School and Ner Israel Rabbinical College. He also has a Masters from Johns Hopkins University.