Rabbi Wein
Rabbi Berel Wein, Jewish historian, author and international lecturer, brings a unique outlook to the study of the weekly Torah portion. His parsha class identifies a broad theme in Jewish thought and shows how the idea has modern relevance. His passion for Jewish history places the Torah theme in an historical context and shows how the Torah values have wound their way through the ebb and flow of Jewish history into modern times. His insights will make Jewish thought and Jewish history come alive as they inspire our everyday lives.
The founding Rosh Yeshiva (Dean) of Yeshiva Shaarei Torah of Monsey, which he led for 20 years, Rabbi Wein is the author of three major works on Jewish history and two books on Talmudic and Halachic issues.
Rabbi Wein’s Jerusalem-based Destiny Foundation creates multi-media educational products such as the award winning movie, Rashi, with Leonard Nimoy as the voice of Rashi. His provocative weekly Jerusalem Post column challenges the mind and the Israeli establishment. His 5-week tape series entitled The Crash Course in Jewish History will put Jewish history at your fingertips.
Rabbi Wein’s 700 audio tapes on Jewish personalities and Jewish history have sold over 1 million copies worldwide. His Triumph of Survival Jewish history book series is a best seller.
Subscribe to Rabbi Wein and receive this weekly class via e-mail.
- A Meaningful Life
- All Beginnings Are Hard
- An Imperfect World
- Beginnings
- Bringing Creation Down to Earth
- Genesis and Life
- How to View a Natural Wonder
- It's All Good
- Make a Lasting Impact!
- One Man
- The Book of Mankind
- The Conscience of Eden
- The Garden of Eden
- The Nature of Human Behavior
- The Road to Paradise
- Will Not Retreat
- A Higher Standard
- A Sobering Lesson
- A Wasted Tragedy
- Bounce Back
- Building Towers - For What?
- Missed Opportunities
- Noah's Failure
- Noah's Spiritual Leadership
- Resilience is Key
- Survival Syndrome
- The Meaning of Noach
- The Path to Serving God
- This Language Has Only a Few Words
- Unity and Conformity
- Unity With Caution
- A Man and a Mission
- Abraham's Dwelling
- Avraham's Legacy to his Descendants
- From Egypt to Israel
- Jews On the Move
- Our Future Lies in Chevron
- Reaching Greatness: Living in the Land of Israel
- Return of the Refugee
- The Conversation Starter
- The Founders of Our People
- The Lesson of Avraham
- The Wandering Jew
- When History Got Personal
- Why The Land of Israel?
- "Old Jew or "New Jew"
- A Glimpse of the Divine Presence
- A World of Contradictions
- Abraham's Will is God's Will
- Bridging the Generation Gap
- Constant Connection
- God Sends Messengers to Avraham and Sarah
- Godliness and Jewish Life
- How to Save Sodom
- The Avraham Effect
- The Gen-Aleph Gap
- To Be Alone
- Why Test Abraham?
- Yishmael and the Dangers of Wildness and Mockery
- "These are the Lives of Sarah"
- Avraham, The Locomotive
- Chevron: Indisputably Ours
- Children of Abraham
- Focus on the Future
- Its All Good
- Sarah - Mother of all Matriarchs
- Sarah Lived the Good Life
- Start a Jewish Family
- The Basis Of Yitzchak's Love for Rivka
- The Past and the Future
- The Value of Words
- Yitzchok and Rivka Build a Family
- Esau Trades Eternity for Ego
- Family Feud
- Healthy Competition
- Isaac Gave His Children Something to Remember
- No Two People are the Same
- Raising Children and Good Mazal
- Raising Perfect Children?
- The Inevitable Struggle
- The True Heritage of Israel
- The Wayward Child
- Where Did this Child Come From?
- Who is to Blame for Eisav?
- You Threw it Out?!
- Feeling the Loss
- Heavenly Protection
- My Brother, My Enemy
- Nurture the Yaakov Avinu Within Ourselves
- Out in the Public
- Perseverence
- Power of the Person
- Suffering From Success
- The Great Dreamer
- The Returning Strength of Jacob
- To Achieve Your Goals and not Cause Jealousy
- Today Depends on Tomorrow
- Torah Education
- Torah Values
- Angels and Agents
- Conquering the Land
- Creating Holiness
- Facing the Enemy
- Find Serenity
- Human Effort and Supernatural Help
- Just Say No
- Making Peace with the Past
- Standing Strong in the Face of Esau
- The New Eisav
- Time to Face Your Eisav
- We Are All the Children of Yaakov
- Yaakov Did Not Rely Solely on Prayer
- Yaakov vs Eisav Throughout History
- A Dreamer Meets Reality
- Don't Play with Fire
- Drama Director
- Joseph and His Dreams
- Judging by Appearances
- Keeping the Faith
- Man was Created for Toil
- Mysterious Events
- The Greater Drama
- This is the Secret of a Lifetime of Achievement
- Two Brothers, Two Opinions
- Yaakov and the Land of Canaan
- Yaakov's Lesson
- A Mysterious Ending
- According to His Plan
- Achieving Greatness
- An End to Our Darkness
- Jewish Dreams
- Pawns in Divine Hands
- Tears
- Tha Past
- Twists and Turns
- Vengeance vs. Conciliations
- Yosef Recognizes His Brothers
- An Eye on the Future
- Blessings of the Old
- Confrontation
- Did Jacob Know What Happened to Joseph?
- Dreaming in Real-Time
- Forgive and Forget
- Human Greatness: Admit Wrong and Change Direction
- Jewish Renewal and Resilience
- Jewish Unity
- Lesson for the Ages
- Maintaining Family Unity
- Maintaining Strong Family Bonds
- Preconceived notions
- Right and Wrong
- Surviving on Dreams
- To Live in Harmony During Peaceful Times
- Yaakov's Message To Us
- Borrowing Books
- Family Building
- God's Judgement of Our Intentions
- He Still Lives
- Jacob Looks Towards the Future
- Joseph's Bones Come to Life
- Joseph's Message
- Lesson to be Learned from Our Great Ancestors
- Lessons to be Learned from Our Great Ancestors
- Make the Most of It
- Our Father Yaakov's Legacy
- Redemption from All Exiles
- Serving God with Our Knowledge
- Seventeen Years of Serenity
- The "I"'s have it!
- The Strength of Truth
- Your Grandchildren
- "Complete It"
- A Series of Ups and Downs
- Do and then Understand
- Egyptian Exile: The Prototype for Later Exiles
- Goodness begets Goodness
- Great Jewish Mysteries
- Levites: We're Not Just Genes!
- My Name, My Identity
- Selective Memory
- The Importance of Names in Judaism
- The Least Obvious Leader
- The Makings of a Jewish Leader
- The Power of the People
- We Shouldn't Ignore this Lesson from Egypt
- A Hard Heart
- Belief Comes from Within
- Faith and Patience
- Faith and Tsunamis
- Forever Relevant
- Gradual Change
- Miracles
- Moses's National Complaint Verses the Patriarchs' Personal Complaints
- Moshe Holds Heaven Accountable
- No Answer
- Our Long Term Family Relationship with God
- Patient and Personal
- Pharaoh
- Stubborn Leaders
- Superhuman vs Humility: Pharaoh and Moshe
- A Dangerous Victory
- Ask, Challenge, Learn
- Beyond Exodus
- Dictators are Never Wrong
- Don't Let Your Ego get the Best of You
- It is Up to Us
- Jewish Survival and Exodus
- Pay Attention to the Details
- Pesach: Why So Many Details?
- Redemption Is Not Easy
- Stubborn Refusal
- The Plagues: Physical and Psychological
- Tragedy and Triumph
- Understand the Pharaohs
- Understanding Irrational Behavior
- A Stiff-Necked People
- Appreciation in Times of Pain
- Are Free Gifts Really Free?
- From Fading to Forever
- Interactive Miracles
- Jewish Survival
- Miracles Gone Stale
- Nature is Miraculous
- Pharaoh's Folly
- Planting Our Song
- Seeing the Hand of God
- Song of Moses and Isreal
- The Great Song
- The Song That Never Ends
- The Spiritual Effect of Tasting the Manna
- They Come in All Sizes
- Victories and Triumphs
- A Guest for a While Sees for a Mile
- A Holy Nation
- A Nation Seeking Validation
- A Society to Be Proud Of
- A View From the Outside
- A Welcome Introduction
- An Imperfect System
- Finding Fullfilment at Sinai
- Human Achievement Lies in The Ten Commandments
- Looking From the Outside
- Outsiders Looking In
- Proper treatment of the Convert
- Yisro and the Jewish People
- Yisro's Active Ingredient
- Yitro the Enigma
- Awl in for Freedom
- Beyond the Letter of the Law
- Built on a Solid Foundation
- Correct Interpretations
- Don't Cross the Line
- Introduction to Jewish Law
- Jewish Law in Society Today
- Jews and Slavery
- Law Brings Holiness
- Realizing Idealism
- Slavery
- Still Human
- The Details Before the Acceptance
- The Devil is in the Details
- The Torah is a Book of Reality
- We are God's Servants
- When Will People Follow the Rules?
- Always Giving Charity with a Full Heart
- Community Funds for Golden Vessels
- Elevating the Physical
- Intention Equals Value
- Lessons in How to Take
- Parting With My Money
- Synagogues Bear Witness
- Tabernacle Building: Sharing Our Wealth
- The Devil Is In The Details
- The First Building Campaign
- The Heart of Gold - Perceiving Amalek
- The Symbol of the Tabernacle
- The Wealth Challenge
- There are No Shortcuts
- Torah - Blueprint for Life
- Use Your Giving Muscles
- Clothes Make the Man
- Clothes Make The Man II
- Eternal Lights
- First and Best
- Jewish Clothing
- Longing for Those Precious Conversations
- Oily Preparation
- Pure Oil
- Restoring the Urim V’tumim in Our Lives
- The Breastplate and the Apron
- The Eternal Flame
- The Eternal Flame of Creativity
- The Light of the Menorah and the Absence of Moshe
- Aharon's Heart of Gold
- Building a Successful Nation
- Guidance Needed
- How Could This Happen?
- Inclusiveness
- Judaism and Violence
- Moshe: The Perfect Leader
- Mystery of the Golden Calf
- Perfect and Potent
- Raise Your Head
- Shabbat Precedes the Building of the Mishkan
- This Makes Intelligent People Act Like Fools
- Understanding God's Judgments
- Washing Hands
- Watermelons, Leeks, Onions, and Cucumbers
- A Public Observance of Shabat
- A Public Shabbat
- Accountability
- Accountability Always
- Detailing the Mishkan
- Maintaining Greatness
- Pillar of Smoke
- Repetition is the Soul of Honesty
- Shabbat Always Wins
- Shabbath and the Jewish People
- Shabbos Kodesh
- The Book of Challenge and Triumph
- The Shabbat Keeps the Jew
- An Accountant's Report
- Building Effort Necessary
- Project of Holiness
- The Ramban's Message
- Transparency and Money
- Transparency Building the Mishkan
- Why Every Jew Should Become an Accountant
- A Call for Human Sacrifice
- A Guide to Choosing Proper Sacrifices
- A Small Voice
- An Alternative for Animal Sacrifices
- Being Small
- Connecting Through the Laws
- Holiness for Beginners
- Human Interpretation
- Immitating Hashem
- Listen Closely
- Listen to Your Still Small Voice
- Lover of Peace
- Sin is a Constant Part of Human Life
- The Role of a Kohain
- The Small Quiet Aleph
- Youth and their Holy Imagination
- "And He has Commanded Us"
- Tzivanu Applies Today
- Command
- Dangers of Being Leader
- Divine Worship
- God's Commandments: The Key to a Healthier Jewish Society
- Passover's Freedom Fulfilled
- Separation and Preparation
- The Tzivanu Imperative Applies Today
- The Army of G-d
- The Case Against Innovation in the Synagogue
- The Eternal Light
- The Great Shabat
- Discipline and Silence
- Eighth Day Jews
- High Standards
- Kiddush and Havdalah
- Kosher is a Blessing
- My Close Ones
- The Challenge of the Eighth Day
- The Pivotal Power of Kosher
- What Do You Stand For?
- What Have We Gained?
- When a Leader Sins
- You Are With Me
- Children
- Children II
- Covenant Throughout The Ages
- Decision Making Process of the Kohein
- Family Vs. Fortune
- Guard Yourself
- Humanity in Speech
- Plagues: Personal, Societal and Familial
- Skin Deep
- The Preist's Supreme Task: Diagnosing Spiritually Damaged Souls
- The Rite to Circumcise
- Tzoraas
- Valid Presumptions
- Vulnerable to Infection
- Wanted: Jewish Children
- Why Have Children
- A Plague on your House
- Everyone Is Vulnerable
- Lessons From a Mysterious Disease
- Not Afflicted, Still Affected
- A Holy Mindset
- Details Make the Difference
- Enjoyment as a Guide
- Everyday Holiness
- Following Torah Standards
- Holy Reality Check
- In the Wake of the Nadav and Avihu Tragedy
- Reacting to Tragedy
- Seeking Forgiveness Through the Goat of Azazel and the High Priest
- The Discipline of Holiness
- The Good That Men Do
- Advising the Blind
- Commandments Bring us to Holiness
- Holy Kitchen, Holy Sidewalk, Holy Workplace
- Kedoshim: Morality in Daily Life
- Setting High Goals
- The Path to Holiness
- A Pure Blessing
- An Elitest Nation?
- Barren Land: A Hope of a Better Tomorrow
- Blasphemy Happens
- Holy Priests
- Kohanim and the Concept of Death
- Leaders with Personal Lives
- Life's Got Rhythm
- Our Aristocratic Class
- Priestly Duties
- Priests of the People
- Spiritual Pollution
- The Holiday Cycle
- The Importance of Having Role Models
- Who is a Kohen?
- A Kernel of Good
- A Mountain of Inspiration
- A Realistic View of Life
- At the Mountain
- Leap of Faith
- Mountain Climbers
- Sinai: The Basis for Judaism
- The Myth of Ownership
- The Sabbatical Year: God Rules Over Us
- This is the Reality We Face in a Sabbatical Year
- Torah is Integrity
- Undeniable Rule
- We are All Travelers
- Where Have the Years Gone?
- "Never Again" - Admonition or Undertaking?
- Do Not Fall Into the Trap
- From Gory to Glory
- In Summation of Vayikra - Leviticus
- Our Difficulties
- Realities of Life
- Repercussions and Resilience
- Toil in Torah
- Value of a Human Being
- A Book of People
- A Water Hole in the desert
- Always Small
- Bamidbar: Torah is Water
- Behind the Numbers
- Counting: Challenges and Opportunities
- Desert Generation
- Human Nature
- It's About People
- Not Just Numbers
- Strength in Numbers
- The Desert Classroom
- The Significance of Each Tribe
- Who Can We Be?
- A Humble Pride
- An Imitation Nation
- Behavioral Levis
- Being a Levi
- Complexity
- Divine Wisdom
- Head Held High
- Korban Copies
- Levi Genes
- Levite Leadership
- Shevet Levi of Today
- The Thread that Binds - Faith
- The Torah's Safeguards
- Appreciate the Present
- Bad Mood
- Can We Go Back to Life Before Corona?
- Fear of the Unknown
- Flashes of Inspiration
- Israel: Our Destiny
- Let the Wick Catch Fire
- Light
- Reliance
- Shabbat: Physically and Spiritually
- The Flame of Independence
- The Lesson of the Menorah: Focus
- The Menorah - A Lesson in Parenting
- The Pursuit for More
- Those Small Details...
- What We Remember
- When You Rise
- A Fragile Faith
- Altruism vs. Personal Intrest and Gain
- Blindness to Truth
- Does Majority Rule?
- Errors
- Fear of Independence, Longing to Belong
- Jewish Sovereignty in the Land of Israel
- Mass Hysteria
- Never Assume, Always Prepare
- Our Attitude Matters
- Primary Reminder
- The Slander of Israel Continues
- We Will Go Up
- What Went Wrong?
- 'Ism's That Ain't
- Controlled Ambition
- Hypocrisy
- Korach's Personal Opinion and God's Will
- Korach’s Imitators
- Look Under the Surface
- Man-Made Faith
- Power Grab
- The Korach Rebellion
- The Pervasive Provocateur
- To Balance the Ego
- True Self-Analysis
- Wealth Risks
- When Moshe Got Angry
- Acceptance
- Anger: Avoid it at all Costs!
- Beyond Human Comprehension
- Discipline and Obedience
- For Irrational Humans
- God is Not One of Us
- Handing Over the Mantle
- Knockin' on Heaven's Door
- Leadership or Independence?
- Moses Bound to His Generation's Fate
- The Dividing Line
- The War of the Words
- Balak's Blind Hatred
- Better Under Pressure
- Beware of Poisoned Sweets
- Bilaam's Curses Transformed into Blessings
- Bilaam's Killing Kindness
- Friendly Enemies
- If Balak and Bilaam Were Here Today...
- Our Achilles' Heel
- Ph.D. in Morals
- Remember Balak's Role
- Uses and Misuses
- Who Are These People?
- Words are Weapons
- A Peaceful Hero
- A Promise of Peace
- Champion of Sacrifice
- Fragile Peace
- Human Sacrifice
- Our lives Revolve Around God
- Pinchas and Pacifism
- Quick to Criticize
- Tempered Blessing
- The Most Precious Commodity
- Tying Generations Together
- What's Heaven's Opinion?
- Zealotry for the Good
- Zealotry: How Far To Go
- A Book of Memories
- A Word about Pledges
- Been There Done That
- Events of the Past
- Final Destination
- I Give My Word
- Jews and the Land of Israel
- Keeping Your Word
- On the Road of Life
- The Reuven/Gad Syndrome
- Tribal Responsibility
- Watch Your Step
- Where Have You Been?
- A Critical Look at Our Past
- Armed with the Past
- Jewish Movement
- Learn from Your Past!
- The Past is Present in the Future
- Why Should We Remember?
- A Good Eye
- A Lasting Edifice
- Book 5, Take 2
- Choosing a Vision
- Geography Lessons
- Harsh Hugs
- Honesty
- Moshe's Personal Assessment
- No Empty Matter
- Review, Review, Review!
- Shabat Outweighs the Ninth Day of Av
- The Pathway to Consolation and Redemption
- The Recognition of Shame
- The Speech That Never Ends
- Welcome Criticism
- 10 Principles for Humanity
- Shema Yisrael
- Basic Tenet of Jewish Life
- Closure and Consolation
- Consolation
- Fatalism and Acceptance
- Irreplaceable
- Matters of Consolation
- Moshe's Lesson of Acceptance
- Rebuilding is a Process
- The Formula to Achieve Contentment
- The Laws of Relaxation
- The Multilayered Torah
- The Process of Comfort and Moving On
- They Go Together
- We Need Backdrops
- All will be Set Right
- Choices and Miracles
- Follow the Leader
- Not in This World
- Plain and Simple
- Priorities: Nothing is Small
- The Human Ark
- The Small Things
- The Tree of Life
- Think About the Heels
- Thinking Inside The Box
- Watch Your Step
- A Godly Minority
- Choosing Life - Not As Easy as it Looks
- Concentrate!
- Having a Few Pairs of Glasses
- Improve Your Eyesight
- Improving Our Eyesight
- Let That Be a Lesson!
- Making Choices
- Non Prophet Organization
- See the Reality
- Seeing Clearly
- The Jewish Calendar
- Combating Corruption
- Curbing Corruption
- Imperfect Justice
- Justice
- Justice And Human Error
- Justice and Righteousness
- Law and Order
- Laws and Louisiana
- Less is More
- Playing Fair
- The Forest and the Trees
- The Torah's Path to Justice
- "We Have Met the Enemy and They Are Us"
- Armed With Torah
- Battling Our Inner Enemy
- Building Fences
- Family Friction
- It's Sometimes Better NOT to Look for the Root Cause
- Moshe's Final Oration to the Jewish People
- The Chain Effect of Our Actions
- The Extended Family Called Society
- The War in Your Living Room
- War and Peace
- We're Our Own Enemy
- What is Peace?
- "Grind it out"
- A Message for the Generations
- Bounty and Bitterness
- Demands of the Land
- Jewish History and the Farmer
- Next year in a Fully Rebuilt Jerusalem
- Returning Home to Our Land
- Say Thank You
- Setting Realistic Goals
- Sweet Taste of Success
- The Curse and the Hope
- The Mystery
- We Will Survive
- When We Come, Not If
- A Final Warning
- Duality of Emotion
- Facing the Covenant
- God's Covenant
- Jewish Reactions
- Moses's Legacy Goes On
- Our Covenant - the Great Equalizer
- Our Eternal Covenant
- Renew the Covenant
- Running in Place
- Standing By The Covenant
- Still Standing
- The Covenant and Remembrance
- The Greatest Wonder of All
- The Measure of Man
- Unending Continuity
- Goals for Growing
- Long Way Back
- Moshe Went, but Never Left
- Small But Impactful
- ChanukahElul / Rosh Hashanah
- Elul
- Mankind’s Song
- Our Own Akeidah
- Past, Present, and Future
- The Essence of Jewish History
- This Year’s Rosh Hashana is Different
Articles on Beshalach & Tu BeShvat
- HASHEM is With Us! Rabbi Label Lam (5779)Level: Beginner
- What Is It? Shlomo Katz (5779)Level: Intermediate
- Response to Pain Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5775)Level: Beginner
- Nature is Miraculous Rabbi Berel Wein (5767)Level: Beginner
- Back-Seat Driver Rabbi Eliyahu Hoffmann (5762)Level: Beginner
- Input...Output Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky (5783)Level: Beginner
- A Non-Kosher Sefer Torah Rabbi Doniel Neustadt (5761)Level: Advanced
- Class 37ᅠ- Beshalach Rabbi Heshy Grossman (5760)Level: Advanced
- The Heart of the Matter Rabbi Dovid Green (5759)Level: Beginner
- Like a GPS Rabbi Label Lam (5772)Level: Beginner
- Walls of Water Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5765)Level: Beginner
- Guaranteed Results! Rabbi Label Lam (5771)Level: Beginner
- Parsha Summary for Parshas Beshalach Rabbi Aron Tendler (5784)Level: Beginner
- Parnasah: Wherein the Toil? Rabbi Eliyahu Hoffmann (5768)Level: Beginner
- Parshas Beshalach Dr. Nosson Chayim Leff (5778)Level: Advanced
- Those Who Help with Mitzvos Rabbi Label Lam (5774)Level: Beginner
- Complaining About The Quality Of The Miracle Rabbi Yissocher Frand (5778)Level: Intermediate
- The Strength of Diversity Rabbi Pinchas Avruch (5764)Level: Beginner
- The Essence of Song Rabbi Eliyahu Hoffmann (5761)Level: Beginner
- Glorified Money Rabbi Chaim Flom (5768)Level: Beginner