Note: The Shabbos Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go up] since for each Aliya, one person “goes up” to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.
1st Aliya: Parshas BeHar begins with the laws of Shemitah and Yovel. The land lay fallow every 7th year, and after the 49th year, (7×7) it lay fallow a 2nd year for the 50th year as well.
2nd, 3rd & 4th Aliyot G-d promises (25:21-22) that He will provide for the nation, regardless of the land being fallow. No one will go hungry. The return at Yovel of all hereditary lands to their original owners is commanded.
5th Aliya: The difference between the sale of a property in a walled city vs. an unwalled city is established. Continuing the theme of providing and dependency, we are commanded to provide for our impoverished brethren. Just as G-d provides for us, we must provide for each other.
6th & 7th Aliyot The freeing of all Jewish slaves at the Yovel is detailed. The Torah discusses redeeming a Jewish slave from a non-Jewish owner, and the formula for how much to pay the non-Jewish master.