Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom has been teaching classes in Parashat haShavua throughout the Los Angeles area for nearly twenty years and has been teaching both Talmud and T’nakh on the internet for the past dozen of years. You can access his daf yomi podcasts at http://wwwdafyomiyicc.org and can find many of his T’nakh podcasts at the ou.org website, as well as his own page:www.etshalom.com.
These Divrei Torah, representing a written version of those sessions, can be accessed on the internet or you can subscribe to Mikra and receive the weekly class via e-mail. Questions, responses and comments can be sent to the author at[email protected].
B’rukhim haBa’im: Welcome to P’shuto Shel Mikra
Mikra News: CDs of Rabbi Etshalom’s lectures are now available. A 4-lecture series, on Megillat Esther, as well as a 12-lecture series on Sefer Bresheet can be ordered by emailing the author at[email protected].
More News: Rabbi Etshalom’s first book – “Between the Lines of the Bible”, was published by Yashar Books in March 2006. Volume 2 of “Between the Lines of the Bible”, essays on Sefer Shemot, is due out on Urim Press in late 2010.
- Introductory Shiur to Sefer B'resheet: Ko'ah Ma'asav Higid l'Amo
- Reassessing B'resheet 1-3
- The Story Of The Heavens, The Story Of The Earth
- Two Versions of the Truth
- Rebuilding The World: Analyzing the Two Stories of the Flood
- Retribution And Response: An Analysis Of The Flood
- The New Heavens and the New Earth...
- The Raven and the Dove
- Avraham, Lot and the Roots of Jewish Monarchy
- B'rit Milah and Karet: Punishment or Natural Result?
- The Double-Edged Covenant
- Avraham's Negotiation
- Hebron to Sodom
- My Father Was A Wandering Arameam: An Analysis of the Avraham Narratives
- And Rivkah favored Ya'akov
- Filial Love In Yitzchak'S Family
- Masters and Servants: The "Chaff" of the Avot (Part I)
- The Unique Character of Yitzhak
- And This Shall Be The Sign That I Have Sent You: An Analysis Of The Inauguration Of Mosheh
- The Selection of Mosheh
- And This Shall Be The Sign That I Have Sent You: An Analysis of The Inauguration of Mosheh - Part 2
- Making Sense Of The Plagues: The Education Of Pharaoh
- Pharaoh's Wizards
- That the Torah Of Hashem Should Be in Your Mouth
- Three Aspects Of The Korban Pessach
- Yehoshua Ben Nun: A Life (Part I)
- And This Will Be, For You, A Sign…: The Unconsumed Bush and Ma'amad Har Sinai
- God's Judgement and Human Judges
- Haggadah shel Pesach: An Overview and Explanation of Three Sections from the Haggadah
- The Korban Minchah
- Nadav and Avihu: I Am Sanctified By Those Close To Me
- The Anonymous Sons Of Aharon: An Analysis Of Vayikra 10
- Ul'Horot Et B'Nei Yisrael
- From Disgrace to Praise
- Jewish Statehood (I)
- The Four Parashiot: Mis'mach Ge'ulah l'G'ulah
- Hallel (I): Hal'lu Avdei Hashem
- Hallel (II) Mizmor 114 - B'Tzet Yisra'el MiMitzrayim
- Jewish Statehood (II)
- Ani YHVH: The Basis for the Moral Society
- Speak to the Entire Congregation
- MiMohorat HaShabbat (I) - The Boethusian Dispute (I
- Yerushalayim haB'nuyah: Analysis of T'hillim 122
- Chanukah
- Mitzvat Hanukkah (I)
- Mitzvat Hanukkah (II)
- The Front Of The Menorah
- The Message of Nerot Hanukkah
- Yoseph’s Brothers in Egypt
- Avraham and the Day of Judgement: An Analysis of the Torah Readings for Rosh HaShanah
- Psalm 27 – Hashem Ori v’Yishi
- Rosh HaShanah: Avraham and the Day of Judgement: An Analysis of the Torah Readings for Rosh haShanah
- Rosh HaShanah: Psalm 47
- HaChodesh Hazeh Lakhem
- Haggadah Shel Pesach (I): The Two Haggadot
- Haggadah Shel Pesach (II): The “Four Sons”
- Haggadah shel Pesach: An Overview and Explanation of Three Sections from the Haggadah
- The Structure Of The Seder: V’Nomar L’Fanav Shirah Hadashah
- The Two Haggadot
- “I Have Already Written of You Thrice:” Megilat Esther and the Eternal War with Amalek
- Esther Did Not Reveal Her People or Her Kindred
- Megillat Esther: She’Asah Nissim La’Avoteinu
- Mis’mach Ge’ulah l’G’ulah
- Mordechai Would Neither Kneel Nor Bow
- The Four Parashiot: Mis’mach Ge’ulah l’G’ulah
- A World of Kindness: An Analysis of Megillat Ruth (II)
- A World of Kindness: An Analysis of Megillat Ruth (III)
- Analysis of Megillat Ruth (V)
- Analysis of Megillat Ruth (VI)
- Analysis of Megillat Ruth (VII)
- Analysis of Megillat Ruth (VIII)
- Five Unique Books
- Megillat Ruth (I)
- Megillat Ruth (IV)
- MiMohorat HaShabbat (I) – The Boethusian Dispute (I
- MiMohorat HaShabbat (II)
- Commemorating the Desert Experience: An Analysis of Parshat Hamo’adot (Ch. 23
- Hag HaSukkkot Or Hag Lashem?: An Analysis Of The Parashat Hamo’Adot (Vayyikra 23) – (The Torah Reading For The First Day[S] Of Sukkot)
- KOHELET 3:1-8: A Song for the Seasons
Articles on Vayikra & Pesach
- He Who Avoids Honor Finds Himself Honored Rabbi Yaakov Menken (5757)Level: Beginner
- A Positive Choice Rabbi Yissocher Frand (5762)Level: Intermediate
- Haggadah shel Pesach: An Overview and Explanation of Three Sections from the Haggadah Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom (5777)Level: Advanced
- Now, Chew on That Rabbi Label Lam (5784)Level: Beginner
- A Ritual Memory Transfer Rabbi Berel Wein (5778)Level: Beginner
- Little Aleph Teaches Big Lesson Rabbi Yissocher Frand (5772)Level: Intermediate
- The Value of Good Advice Rabbi Yaakov Menken (5759)Level: Beginner
- Hear the Call? Rabbi Yisroel Ciner (5759)Level: Beginner
- Fine Feathered Smells Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky (5778)Level: Beginner
- Team Meeting Rabbi Label Lam (5783)Level: Beginner
- A Deeper Appreciation Shlomo Katz (5780)Level: Intermediate
- Blood Liable (Not Libel) Rabbi Aron Tendler (5766)Level: Beginner
- Passover Never Passes Over Rabbi Dovid Green (5762)Level: Beginner
- Shabbos HaGadol L'Katan Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5777)Level: Intermediate
- Korban Pesach Rabbi Dr. Meir Tamari (5778)Level: Advanced
- Pesach In Command Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5761)Level: Beginner
- Ha Lachma Anya Rabbi Yochanan Zweig (5771)Level: Beginner
- A New Outlook Rabbi Shlomo Jarcaig (5763)Level: Beginner
- Destroying Trust is a Treachery Against Hashem Rabbi Yissocher Frand (5782)Level: Intermediate
- The World of Vayikra Rabbi Aron Tendler (5762)Level: Beginner