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Chapter 8, Law 5(a) – The Final Revenge

Chapter 8, Law 5(a) – The Final Revenge

The revenge that there is no revenge worse than it is that the soul will be cut off and will not merit life [in the World to Come], as it is stated (regarding one who commits idolatry), ‘cut off, that soul shall be cut off, its sin is within it’ (Numbers...
Waiting in a Hotel Lobby

Waiting in a Hotel Lobby

QUESTION 60:  There are two buses that go from the Wall Street area to Monsey in the evening, about 40 minutes apart. One day I just missed the first bus. Near the bus stop is a fancy new hotel. Can I go into the lobby of the hotel to wait for the next bus? Can I sit...
Lashon Hara

Lashon Hara

Dear Rabbi Travis, I really battle knowing what lashon hara is and what isn’t. If I need to get advice about a problem with another person, I need to inform them of the “bad” for them to be able to help advise, right? The way I’ve understood...
Hungry and Thirsty

Hungry and Thirsty

“Hunger and thirst are considered sickness. If a person can concentrate on tefillah before he eats, then he should do so. Otherwise he may eat before he prays” (Rambam, Tefillah 5,2). If a person is so hungry or thirsty that he cannot concentrate on his...