Passover, an eight day festival celebrating G-d’s deliverance of the Jews when they were slaves in Egypt. The first two days and the last two days of Pesach are observed as holy days. The in between days are termed Chol Hamo’ed – intermediate days.
Articles on Vayigash & Chanukah
- Seeing and Believing Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5778)Level: Intermediate
- Many Routes, One Destination Rabbi Eliyahu Hoffmann (5759)Level: Beginner
- Getting Together Again, For Good Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5767)Level: Beginner
- Potentially Rabbi Raymond Beyda (5767)Level: Beginner
- Shabbos Chanukah Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5777)Level: Intermediate
- For Every Detail Shlomo Katz (5780)Level: Intermediate
- A Double Loss! Rabbi Label Lam (5767)Level: Beginner
- Kiddush In Shul: Proper Conduct Rabbi Doniel Neustadt (5779)Level: Advanced
- Mystery of History Rabbi Yissocher Frand (5757)Level: Intermediate
- A Torah Perspective Shlomo Katz (5766)Level: Beginner
- Piecing Together the Jigsaw Puzzle Rabbi Naftali Reich (5785)Level: Beginner
- The Root of the Problem Rabbi Yaakov Menken (5759)Level: Beginner
- O Chanukah, O Chanukah . . . Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5765)Level: Beginner
- The Cause of our Exile Rabbi Yisroel Ciner (5784)Level: Intermediate
- A Point Small and Pure Rabbi Label Lam (5780)Level: Beginner
- The Ultimate Rebuke Shlomo Katz (5780)Level: Intermediate
- Closed Minded Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5781)Level: Intermediate
- Jewish Identity Through Jewish Education Rabbi Yaakov Menken (5757)Level: Beginner
- The Strong and the Weak Rabbi Berel Wein (5767)Level: Beginner
- Win the War Rabbi Label Lam (5781)Level: Beginner