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Posted on May 3, 2024 (5784) By Rabbi Label Lam | Series: | Level:

For the people of the land who preceded you, did all of these abominations, and the land became defiled. And let the land not vomit you out for having defiled it, as it vomited out the nation that preceded you. (Vayikra 18:24-25)

And let the land not vomit you out: This can be compared to a prince who was fed noxious food, which could not stay in his intestines; So, he vomited it out. Likewise, the Land of Israel cannot retain transgressors and thus, it vomits them out- Rashi

What is this peculiar relationship between Eretz Yisrael and its inhabitants? This cannot be mere personification and poetics at play. The Torah tells us explicitly that the land vomits out those who it finds distasteful, literally. When the notorious spies came back with their discouraging report, much of what they said contained kernels of deep truth. One description they gave was, “It’s a land that consumes (literally eats) its inhabitants!”

They were reacting, according to Rashi, to the many funerals that were taking place during their visit, which were really orchestrated by HASHEM to distract the peoples of the land so the spies could navigate undetected. They, however, interpreted it negatively, assuming wrongly, that this was evidence that it is an unhealthy and dangerous place to live.

Reb Tzadok HaKohen writes that it is true, in fact, that Eretz Yisrael literally eats its inhabitants. When somebody eats any food, the tongue is on the front line of defense to determine if what is about to be consumed is safe. Even if it is swallowed, if the stomach finds it putrid then the body knows how to eliminate what it ate. Eretz Yisrael is a discerning land. It is spiritually sensitive. If people misbehave and are morally corrupt, the land will reject them and eject them over time.

For that reason, the seven nations lost their lease and so did the Jewish People for quite a long period of time, till now. The land is particularly welcoming and also responsive, as a moral barometer for the Jewish People. How is it that land can feel so and be reactive to human behaviors and attitudes?

When Adam was responding to HASHEM’s cosmic question, “Ayecha?” – “Where are you?”, he uttered a word that signaled he was in a world of trouble. He said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and (ANOCHI) I was afraid because I am naked, so I hid.” (Breishis 3:10) He used the term ANOCHI, capital “I” in reference to himself, as if declaring himself independent from HASHEM. The Midrash saw in that single statement a subtext of arrogance, that Adam was saying to HASHEM, “I did it and I’ll do it again!” The Baalei Mussar understood that he was actually expressing helplessness. “I did it and I cannot stop myself from doing it again!”

If this is the case that ANOCHI is a signal of rebelliousness, then why is Avraham not chastised when in defense of Sodom he entreats HASHEM with the words, “ANOCHI AFAR V’EIFER” – “I am dust and ashes!” Does he not also employ the capital “I” in reference to himself!? Sure, he is declaring himself dust and ashes but is that contradicted by his identifying himself as ANOCHI?! Avraham is moving in the opposite direction. Adam was running from HASHEM and Avraham was merging with HASHEM. He wasn’t even referring to himself as ANOCHI. He was rather declaring that my “ANOCHI”, my ego is nothingness!

What are dust and ashes? Why the combination of the two? “Dust” – earth is nothing till now but it can produce in the future. Ashes was something in the past but it is toast now. “Dust and ashes” – declares that this “I” was, is, and will be essentially nothing.

Someone with farming experience alerted me recently that dust and ashes together are actually a profoundly rich mixture for productive growth. When a forest burns down the ashes and the earth combine to form fertile ground for new trees.

Avraham is saying that I am ready to express YOUR will HASHEM, to be a vehicle through which YOUR “Endless Light” shines into this world. The land of Israel mirrors our attitude. If we are filled with ourselves and moving away from HASHEM then even the sweat of our collective brow will barely produce enough bread. If we are dust and ashes, then the Land of Israel will flow with milk and honey.