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<span>Jerusalem Views</span>

Jerusalem Views

By Rabbi Heshy Grossman

This shiur generally draws upon the works of classical Jewish thought, such as Maharal, Vilna Gaon, Rav Tzaddok HaKohen, and Rav Eliyahu Dessler. It is an attempt to introduce the reader to the depths of Jewish philosophy, in the belief that true Torah study must be insightful and inspiring.

More than just a collection of Drashos, the author strives to weave together varied strands of thought into one integral unit. It generally focuses on one particular idea in the weekly Parsha, and will also present ideas on upcoming holidays where appropriate. Although the level of discussion is quite advanced, the shiur is written for laymen as well as Torah scholars, a background in Torah study is not required.

Rabbi Grossman currently resides in Passaic, NJ.

We hope you find this class informative and stimulating!

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