Shabbos: Tasting Eternity
By Rabbi Daniel Travis
Every Jew who has ever experienced a real Shabbos knows that there is more to it than simply observing the basic rituals and laws. Rather, there is that special “Shabbos feeling”, a unique atmosphere that we strive to bring into our homes as the suns set on a Friday.
Baruch Hashem, we are living in a generation where Torah-learning is flourishing. There are many superb sefarim available in all languages detailing the halachos of the Torah and Rabbinic laws of Shabbos. But even after studying all of them and spending years doing one’s utmost to keep Shabbos scrupulously, a Jew could still miss out on the special “ambiance” of Shabbos.
Many of us have experienced a Shabbos where that atmosphere was lacking and we want to make sure that our homes are places where the true kedusha of Shabbos reigns.
Shabbos: Tasting Eternity is a handbook for enhancing your Shabbos atmosphere, based on sources from the Chumash, Talmud and great Rabbis throughout the ages. We believe it will be a valuable resource for the Jewish home.