1. Moses was very humble, more so than any man – (12:13)
We may think of timid. Meek.
Which are not positive traits.
… But humility is something else altogether.
Think about Moses. He knew more – and accomplished more – than anyone in history.
But at the very same time, he was the most humble.
… Was he naive?
Not at all.
Because the humble man is fully aware of his talents.
And achievements.
He is humble because he always remembers that his talents are a gift from G-d.
And that whatever he accomplishes, he does with G-d’s help.
2. Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach.
He was recognized as one of the greatest Torah scholars of our generation.
Jews from all over the world, sought his rulings on every area of Jewish law.
Everything from Shabbat and modern technology, to business ethics, to medical questions. And more.
He passed away a few years ago at the age of eighty-five. And left the following in his will:
“… Should anyone want to say words of eulogy, I strongly suggest that they be concise.
No words of praise should be said.
Only words that inspire love of Torah, fear of Heaven, and perfection in deed and character …”
… It’s interesting. The Talmud tells us: ‘One who runs from honor – the honor will catch up with him’.
Rabbi Auerbach ran from honor his entire life.
And his funeral in Jerusalem, was attended by over three hundred thousand people!
Good Shabbos.
Text Copyright © 1998 Rabbi Dovid Green and Project Genesis, Inc.