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Posted on March 26, 2008 (5768) By Rabbi Chaim Flom | Series: | Level:

In Pirkei Avos 2:6 our sages write “…a bashful (one who feels shame) person can’t learn.”

“I felt embarrassed standing near those people who were using foul language” is a healthy sign of shame and modesty.

“I felt too embarrassed to ask the Rebbe what he meant” according to the Yalkut Yehudah is a sign of arrogance: “I don’t want others to know that I didn’t understand something.”

Moshe told Aharon “approach the alter” (Vayikra 9:7), because Aharon was embarrassed to approach it because of his “involvement” with the “golden calf” (and the alter reminded him of the calf). Moshe praised him for his response.

Have a great Shabbos !!

Rabbi Chaim Flom

Text Copyright © 2008 by Rabbi Chaim Flom and