God in a Nutshell
By Rabbi Shimon Apisdorf
If all of Judaism could be summarized in one word, that word would be God.
When people around the world were worshiping thunder and wind, the Jews had but one word to say – God. When people were lionizing the Spartan and the gladiator, the Jews had but one word to say – God.
When life and history called on people to revel in their basest nature, to dehumanize themselves and others, the Jews had but one word to say – God. And when, in every age, people searched for meaning, sanctity, and spirituality, the Jews had but one word to say – God.
Shimon Apisdorf is an award-winning author whose books have been read by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. He has gained a world-wide reputation for his ability to extract the essence of classical Jewish wisdom and show how it can be relevant to issues facing the mind, heart and soul in today’s world.
- Part 1: It All Begins With God
- Part 2: Is There Anything We Know About God?
- Part 3: Five Things We Know About God
- Part 4: Abraham Meet God, God Meet Abraham
- Part 5: Abraham Came to a Different Conclusion
- Part 6: A Brief History of God (and Man)
- Part 7: From Adam to Abraham to Moses to Debbie
- Part 8: The Problem is Worse Than You Thought
- Part 9: What’s an Adam to Do?
- Part 10: From Adam to Abraham
- Part 11: Next Stop, Mount Sinai
- Part 12: “And Afterword We’ll try to Understand”
- Part 13: Epilogue – Follow the Light
- Part 14: Adam and the Hidden Light
- Part 15: Moses, Torah, and the Hidden “Light”
- Part 16: Operation “Light” Up the World