Walk in His ways. (Devarim 28:9)
We have to follow Hashem’s ways of kindness, mercy, compassion, and so on, as much as possible. For example, we are taught, “Be holy, for Hashem is holy” (Vayikra 19:2). Rav Avigdor Miller, zt”l, explains that because Hashem is holy beyond anything that we can comprehend, the Jewish nation has always been the most holy nation. We become holy when 1) we fulfill the laws of the Torah, and 2) we study Hashem’s ways and endeavor to model our thoughts, attitudes, and behavior after Hashem.
Some examples of following Hashem’s ways are:
⢠To be kind to others, even when they are not appreciative of our efforts, as Hashem is always kind to us, although we don’t always acknowledge Him and His kindness.
⢠Forgive others when they apologize, as Hashem forgives us when we repent.
⢠Be more patient, as Hashem is extremely patient with us.
⢠Be humble, as Hashem is. “Wherever we find His greatness, we also find His humility” (Megillah 30b). The Talmud teaches, “A person should always be soft and flexible as a reed, not firm as a cedar tree” (Taanis 20b).
⢠Be modest and hidden, like Hashem, who conceals Himself.
(For more on this topic, please see Emulating Our Creator [Targum/Feldheim, 2005].)
Text Copyright © 2006 by Rabbi Moshe Goldberger and Torah.org.