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Posted on January 9, 2018 By |

Question: I once heard a Midrash that said that the plague of frogs in Egypt began with one huge frog. Can you tell me exactly how big this frog was according to the Midrash? Was it as big as a fully grown person?

Answer: I looked up the sources about the single original frog (Rashi on Exodus 8:2; Midrash Tanchuma Shemos, chapt 14; Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin 67b)——- and, unfortunately, none of them give an exact size. I expect the reason is because the size was not important for the lesson this miracle was sent to demonstrate.

I once wrote a  piece about one lesson we learn from the single frog—I’ll paste that below for your interest.

Take care and keep asking questions,
Shlomo Shulman

Parsha Views

Parshas Va’eira (Exodus 6:2-9:35)

Do you like frogs?

I used to love frogs. I was fascinated by them. I loved waiting by a creek and watching, searching for one squatting on its powerful hind legs, eyes bulging, throat pulsating, unsuspecting. Anticipating a catch, I dreamed of bringing my slimy souvenir home and observing it from up close, through the holes in the lid of a Tupperware container. Oh, those were the days! (more…)