In the Sixties impatient youth adopted the slogan “We want the world and we want it now!” Some people go through life “grabbing with gusto.” They want instant gratification and give little consideration to decisions –major or minor. They feel that if they don’t “grab” they will miss out on one of life’s great opportunities. Impulse buying becomes a way of life not only for trinkets, gadgets and snacks but also for major life decisions such as job offers, choice of schools, friends and even husband or wife.
The opposite of a “now” person is a “never” person . Business deals, social and spiritual choices do require consideration, but they also cannot be put off forever. Insecurity leads to indecision. Bottom line the “never” person loses out on all the right things out of fear of making a bad choice once in awhile.
Today when a decision has to be made–stop! Don’t grab, but don’t freeze either. Think! Weigh the possibilities, consider the future and make an enthusiastic decision. It only takes a minute but it will raise your lifetime batting average to superstar levels.
DID YOU KNOW THAT if a Sefaradi is praying in an Ashkenazic minyan and he is in the 12 months of mourning for a parent, and he would like to serve as the hazan [sheliah tsibur], if the congregation agrees that he may pray in the Sefardic wording and pronunciation, then he may pray on behalf of the congregation. If, however, the congregation wants him to pray with Ashkenazic nusach [wording] and pronunciation, then it is better that he pray as a regular member of the crowd and allow someone else to serve as hazan [source Yalkut Yosef].
Text Copyright © 2004 Rabbi Raymond Beyda and