Beyond Pshat
By Rabbi Yosef Kalatsky
Beyond Pshat is a transcription of the daily D’var Torah given by Rabbi Yosef Kalatsky, Shlita – Dean of the Yad Avraham Institute in New York City. Beyond Pshat is a powerful and thought-provoking discussion of the week’s Torah Portion, intended to stimulate the reader’s internalization of Torah and understanding of its depth. Beyond Pshat is read by everyone, by people with little or no background as well as advanced Yeshiva alumni.
Rabbi Kalatsky graduated from Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, where he was a close Talmid of the late Rosh Hayeshiva Rabbi Yaakov I. Ruderman zt’l, founder of Ner Yisroel. Rabbi Kalatsky founded the Yad Avraham Institute in 1984 with two students; today, it serves a membership of nearly 5000 throughout the New York metropolitan area and beyond.
The Yad Avraham Institute is a New York-based learning center whose mission is to disseminate Torah to Jews of all backgrounds and walks of life. The only pre-requisite is a desire to learn. Over ten classes a day are offered by the Yad Avraham on a variety of subjects and texts. If you would like a schedule you may visit www.yadavraham.org, where you may also listen to almost 4,000 lectures online.
- Vayeishev Our Spiritual Inheritance
- Chayei Sarah The Importance of Reflection
- Toldos The Importance of Safeguards
- Vayigash The Power of Truth
- Lech Lecha The Unique Level of Avraham
- Vayeitzei Understanding True Value in This World
- Vayera Understanding Truth
- Noach Understanding the Faith of Noach
- Vayera Appreciating Avraham’s Spiritual Accomplishments
- Chayei Sarah Yitzchak’s Dimension As Patriarch
- Miketz The Light of Torah
- Vayechi The Special Level of Yaakov
- Shemos Greatness Lies in the Hidden
- Vaera Hashem’s Relationship with Existence
- Bo Learning the Hard Way
- Bo Putting Things in Perspective
- Beshalach Lessons in Appreciation
- Beshalach Moshe Addressing Yosef’s Request
- Yisro The Mechanism of Spirituality
- Yisro Yisro’s Extraordinary Quality
- Mishpatim 1. Seeing Things in Their Proper Perspective
- Terumah G’d’s Context in This Existence
- Terumah How Does One Perceive His Fellow Jew?
- Terumah The Power of Unity
- Tetzaveh G’d the Source of Life
- Tetzaveh The Significance of the Mishkan
- Ki Sisa The Negative Side of Individuality
- Ki Sisa The Power of Unity
- Ki Sisa The Whole is Greater than its Parts
- Vayakhel-Pekudei Actualizing G’d
- Vayakhel-Pekudei Inner Workings of Creation
- Vayakhel-Pekudei The Value of the Mishkan
- Vayikra Gaining Hashem’s Attention
- Tzav Gaining Clarity
- Tzav What are We Naturally Inclined to do?
- Shemini The Qualifying Factor
- Shemini The Special Spirituality of the Jew
- Tazria-Metzorah The Essence of the Jewish People
- Tazria-Metzorah The Miracle of Leprosy
- Acharei Mos-Kedoshim The Value of Reverence
- Acharei Mos-Kedoshim Appreciating the Value of the Jew
- Emor Loving Your Fellow Jew
- Emor The Secret of the Survival of the Jewish People as the Chosen
- Emor Understanding Relationships With G-d
- Behar-Bechukosai The Basis for Self
- Behar-Bechukosai The Gift of the Land of Israel
- Behar-Bechukosai The Hidden Meaning of Mitzvos
- Behar-Bechukosai The Sanctity of Shmitta
- Behar-Bechukosai Reflecting the Image of G’d Through One’s Observance
- Behar-Bechukosai The Special Value of the Jew
- Bamidbar Every Jew Can Perfect the World
- Bamidbar The Discerning Element Between a Torah Scholar and a Torah Sage
- Bamidbar The Special Essence of the Jew
- Naso Individuality in the Context of a Whole
- Behaaloscha Understanding Hashem’s Love
- Shlach Source of Dissatisfaction
- Shlach Understanding the Spies
- Korach Peer Pressure
- Chukas-Balak Our Relevance to the Infinite
- Chukas-Balak Preserving Kiddush Hashem
- Pinchas The Special Potential of Each Jew
- Pinchas Who Is Worthy of A Miracle?
- Matos-Masei The Power of Speech
- Matos-Masei Seeing Punishment as Blessing
- Devarim To See or Not to See – That is the Question
- Devarim Utilizing our Gifts Properly
- Devarim What Are We Mourning on the Ninth of Av
- Devarim What Are We Mourning?
- Devarim What Causes One to be Appreciative?
- Vaeschanan Perscription for Happiness
- Vaeschanan The Basis for Moshe Being Denied Entry into the Land
- Eikev The Limitations of Man’s Understanding
- Reeh A Jew Is Never Alone
- Reeh Fortifying One’s Belief in G’d
- Shoftim Seeing G-d’s Imprint on Creation
- Shoftim The Limitation of Choice
- Ki Seitzei Parshas Ki Seitzei
- Ki Seitzei The Far Reaching Effects of Inappropriate Behavior
- Ki Savo 1. Prayer, the Path to Clarity
- Ki Savo The Importance of Simcha
- Ki Savo The Secret To Spiritual Success
- Netzavim-Vayeilech Going Beyond Realization
- Netzavim-Vayeilech How to Reach our Potential
- Netzavim-Vayeilech Touching One’s Essence
- Haazinu Are we a Role Model to the Nations?
- Haazinu How Close Is Hashem to Us?
- Haazinu Parashat Haazinu
- Yom Kippur Are We A Role Model for the World?