Shabbos: Taam Chaim
By Rabbi Binyomin Adler
Rabbi Binyomin Adler is originally from Chicago and now lives in Oak Park, Michigan with his wife and eight children. A graduate of Telshe Yeshiva, Chicago, Rabbi Adler later studied under the Gaon HaRav Tzvi Kushilevsky, Shlita, in Yerushalayim. Rabbi Adler studied in kollel in Mir, Yerushalayim, and taught in various Yeshivos for post-high-school students in Eretz Yisroel. In 1998 Rabbi Adler founded a yeshiva for post-high-school students in Yerushalayim. Upon returning to the United States in 2000, Rabbi Adler was involved in fund raising and in community development.
Rabbi Adler, now self-employed in the business of imprinted promotional products, currently offers one-on-one learning in Michigan, along with his well-attended Lunch and Learns preceding the Yomim Tovim.
Currently Rabbi Alder is writing a Sefer on Perek Chelek, the last Perek of Sanhedrin that deals mainly with Agadata. To date Rabbi Adler has published a Sefer on Purim, entitled Parashas Hakesef. Additionally, Rabbi Adler publishes in print and by email a weekly Shabbos page entitled Shabbos: Ta’am HaChaim – Shabbos Taste of Life. Rabbi Adler also writes on the Daf Yomi and other topics of interest on his blog www.doreishtov.blogspot.com.
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