by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Nov 15, 2007 | Intermediate
So G-d instituted just the system of practices and rituals that would enable us to draw near to Him, which is known as the Halacha. It is the full and huge well of knowledge that we draw upon when we need to know what to do next to come nearer and nearer yet to G-d;...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Oct 31, 2007 | Intermediate
We’d need to undergo and then pass a number of tests if we’re ever to achieve our life’s goal of drawing close to G-d, Ramchal insists. And it touches on our relationship to everything around us, which is alternately tinged with holiness and...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Oct 17, 2007 | Intermediate
We now leave behind our explorations into what the Jewish Tradition says about G-d and the Spiritual Realm, and touch upon how it depicts us and our world. As such, this is where we contend with tachlis — our life’s purpose and the point of it all....
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Sep 6, 2007 | Intermediate
Most of us have barely an inkling of the depths of our souls. People think their souls are their hearts perhaps, or their personalities, dreams, drives, deepest thoughts, heritage or the like. But our souls are none of that: they’re far, far deeper, and much...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Aug 9, 2007 | Intermediate
As to angels, for one thing, they aren’t what people think they are. They’re not embodied (except in those few instances recorded in the Torah); nor are they the winged, fairy-like things soaring about in the air shooting arrows at young couples or hurling...