by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | May 30, 2008 | Intermediate
And finally, after the full and rousing victories of the Messianic Era, the grand and staggering revival of the dead, and the frightful and terrible Day of Judgment, the world will advance to the age known as The World to Come in which we’ll draw close to G-d....
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | May 23, 2008 | Intermediate
After all the revelation and jubilation of the Messianic Era; after all the piety achieved and the great, unending spiritual elevation that will come about in order to prepare everyone for the World to Come, the time will come for everyone there to die … then be...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | May 16, 2008 | Intermediate
The world has striven for full spiritual achievement for eons, though — since Adam and Eve in fact. But they failed from the first, as we all know. Our forefathers realized great and lofty degrees of it, which they then passed on to us. And we were granted the...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | May 9, 2008 | Intermediate
Ramchal refers to our people as the nation that is “designated and destined to attach unto G-d” in the end, and to be “crowned with great garlands of holiness”. For there will come a time when “the Divine Presence (the Shechina) will...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | May 2, 2008 | Intermediate
Understand that prophecy wasn’t the same experience for each and every prophet; there were degrees, one might even say different “flavors” of it. For despite their decidedly gifted status, some prophets experienced somewhat prosaic prophecies, while...