by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Feb 22, 2008 | Intermediate
The point is that G-d interacts with each one of us, given how much responsibility He has granted us. But He does it by degrees, depending on what we’re doing. Because He acts one way when it comes to things that carry a lot of moral and spiritual weight, and...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Feb 14, 2008 | Intermediate
It only makes sense that a person would pay rapt attention to someone he’d given a lot of responsibility to, and take little notice of somebody he’d entrusted with very little. Indeed, when all is said and done, we care more for people we heap...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Feb 7, 2008 | Intermediate
Perhaps the most daunting thought of all is that we could actually be fully and essentially alone in life — and not just for a bit, or for this one lifetime, but always, forever and ultimately. To be sure, we all need time away once in a while: hours, days or...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Jan 31, 2008 | Intermediate
Hell is termed “Gehenom” in Hebrew and is sometimes known as “The Netherworld”. It’s the unholy realm in which we bear the consequences of our bad ethical choices. But something needs to be emphasized here; for as Ramchal puts it, Gehenom...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Jan 24, 2008 | Intermediate
Let’s make it clear from the outset: the realm we enter into after death is an altogether other order of being; it’s neither this world nor the World to Come, though it shares elements of both. And it’s essential to recall that the Afterlife is a...