Haftorah Summary for Parshas Bo
Parshas Bo
Yirmiyah 46:13This week’s Haftorah is from Yirmiyah 46:13. The rise of Nevuchadnetzar and Babylon to world dominance heralded the destruction of Mitzrayim (Egypt) eight centuries after the time of the Exodus. Mitzrayim had been a dominant power in the region for many centuries and saw the decline of Israel as an opportunity to gain even greater power. Israel, concerned about her own fate in the face of Babylon’s onslaught, turned to Egypt for help. Yirmiyahu had already predicted in last week’s Haftorah that Bavel would turn its fury and strength against Egypt, conquering her and dispersing her inhabitants. This would force Israel to stand-alone and meet her destiny. Israel’s only option for salvation would have to come from Hashem (G-d) and Hashem alone. In this week’s Haftorah Yirmiyahu continues his prophecy of the destruction of Mitzrayim. This is the obvious connection to our Parsha in which the proud and arrogant Pharaoh is bought to his knees by the awesome hand of Hashem. So too, Bavel, acting as Hashem’s agent, would punish Mitzrayim for her continued arrogance and pride.
The Bnai Yisroel (Jewish nation) would be directly impacted by Mitzrayim’s destruction; however, they are reassured that Hashem will ultimately deliver them, so long as they keep their faith and trust in Hashem’s promise.