Haftorah Netzavim – Vayeilech
Isaiah 61:10 – 63:9
Isaiah 61:10 – 63:9
The 7th and final Haftorah of Consolation is from Yishaya 61:10 – 63:9. Coming before Rosh Hashana, this selection perfectly focuses us on the intended purpose of the High Holy Days. We are dependent upon G-d. He is the source of our protection, well being, and purpose. His constant love and attention is evident in the miracle of our survival and the strength of our limited numbers. Just as the Navi (prophet) prepared the hope allowing us to place tragedy in perspective, we prepare ourselves to acknowledge G-d’s providence through prayer and justice.
There will soon come a time when we, as the Chosen People, will embrace the gift of G-d’s special attention. At that time the “…nations will see your righteousness and all the kings your glory…” Glory and honor are the byproducts of devotion and commitment. Our responsibility in the coming days is to “…recount G-d’s mercies and praises…” Our goal is to acknowledge G-d and for G-d to proclaim “…Surely they are my people… (63:8)