Haftorah Pekudei
I Kings 7:51 – 8:21
I Kings 7:51 – 8:21
The relevance of the Haftorah to this week’s Parsha is self-evident. The Parsha detailed the final inspection and construction of the Mishkan culminating in G-d’s presence filling the Tabernacle in the form of a cloud. In 2935 the Bais Hamikdash was completed and King Shlomo assembled the nation to Yerushalayim to attend the Aron as it was carried into the Holy of Holies. After describing the procession, the celebration, and the Holy of Holies, the Haftorah related that the presence of G-d filled the Bais Hamikdash in the form of a cloud. The two events, the construction of the Mishkan and the inauguration of the Bais Hamikdash spanned 486 years. At both occasions the “House of G-d” was sanctified by the presence of G-d descending in the form of a cloud. It should make interesting conversation to discuss why G-d chose a cloud as the manifestation of His presence.