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Posted on September 12, 2007 (5767) By Rabbi Chaim Flom | Series: | Level:

“Why do people’s eyes light up when they hear David’s name, but not so with Aron’s?”

“Well, they both became managers of different branches of the Southern Bank, which is known for having incredible training courses, but David’s branch has consistently gotten awards for courteous employees, and Aron’s tellers are known for being rude.”

G-d has given us His instructions through the Torah. On Rosh Hashana, we declare G-d as our King. Since the king’s reputation is based on His subjects: Let the King be proud of His subjects!! (Based on a thought of Rav Eliyahu Lopian zt”l.)

Have a “gut gebenched yahr” (That’s Pittsburgh-ese for “Have a good year”) and a great Shabbos!!

Rabbi Chaim Flom