Yehoram confronted the prophet Elisha demanding that he bring an end to the siege and the hunger. Elisha told Yehoram that G-d would perform a miracle the next day and there would be so much food that the food market would bottom out.
There were four lepers (the most obvious connection to our Parsha) who had been banished too outside the walls of Shomron. Like the rest of the people, they were starving from the famine and decided to chance approaching the enemy camp in hope of begging some food or at the very worst, a quick death.
During the night Hashem had performed a miracle and the massive forces of Aram had fled during the night leaving behind their tents, horses, and supplies.
The Lepers returned to Shomron and informed Yehoram about the miraculous events. Yehoram investigated the report and confirmed the miracle. The people of Shomron were allowed out of the besieged city and plunder the vacated enemy camp. The massive amount of food was so great that the price of food immediately plummeted and bottomed out as Elisha had prophesied.