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How Shofar Works

How Shofar Works

Mitzvos are not random exercises that ensure that we stay loyal and committed to Hashem. We are all comfortable with the idea that each mitzvah has its reason, whether that rationale is apparent to us or not. Lurking behind these reasons are other benefits and...
The Measure of Man

The Measure of Man

This week’s reading in the Torah describes the eternal binding covenant between God and the Jewish people. This covenant has played itself out over thousands of years of world history and remains valid and operative today as it did on the day that Moshe...
With Joy!

With Joy!

BS”D Volume 33, No.49 21 Elul 5779 September 21, 2019 Our Parashah opens: “V’hayah / It will be when you enter the Land that Hashem, your Elokim, is giving you as an inheritance, and you will possess it and dwell in it.” R’ Chaim Palagi z”l (1788-1868; Chief Rabbi of...
Say Thank You

Say Thank You

Saying thank you is one of the basic courtesies of human interaction. Though elementary and straightforward, it is often forgotten or neglected. In saying thank you, we are acknowledging that we are dependent upon the goodness and consideration of others and that we...