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Posted on January 18, 2018 By Rabbi Dr. Azriel Rosenfeld | Series: | Level:

55. Substitution – Temurah

It is forbidden to substitute another animal for a sacrificial animal, and if one does so both are holy, as it says “[And if it is an animal of which sacrifices can be given to Ha-Shem, any [such] that he gives to Ha-Shem shall be holy;] he shall not exchange it and he shall not substitute for it… and if he substitutes animal for animal it and its substitute shall be holy”.1 It is forbidden to change any sacred thing to a sacred thing of another type, as it says “But a firstborn… no man shall sanctify it”.2,a


1. Lev. 27:9-10 a. 1:1; 4:11
2. Lev. 27:26